Population (Rural) : 1788203; Male: 941160; Female: 847043; % increase: 25.18
SC Population : 554102; Male: 292438; Female: 261664
ST Population : 1302; Male: 667; Female: 635
Farmers : 168584; Agricultural Labour: 103462; Family Employment: 58800; Others: 157603
Farmers : 168584, Agricultural Labour : 103462, Family Employment : 58800, Others : 157603
Agro-climatic zones: U.P. East (Vindhyan Zone), As per Indian Council of Agricultural Research, Vindhayan Zone comes under Zone 11 (S1Cm6T2)Where, S 1 = Red and Lateritic Soils, Cm 6 = Dry sub humid modrate winter surplus, T2 = Frost frequent but irregular
AES - 1 : Red Lateritic Soils and Hills; Blocks Covered : Rajgarh, Marihan, Lalganj, Halia
AES - 2 : Mixed of Hills and Plane, Rocky and Sandy Loam Soil, Blocks Covered: City, Pahari and Chhanabey
AES - 3 : Plain Sandy Loam and Black Soils, Blocks Covered: Kone, Sikhar, Narayanpur, Jamalpur, Majhwan
Agriculture + Animal Husbandary
Agriculture + Animal Husbandary + Horticulture
Major production systems like rice based (rice-rice, rice-green gram, etc.), cotton based, etc.
Rice-Wheat, Bajra-Wheat; Gram, Lentil, Mustard, Linseed
Bajra-Wheat, Till, Arahar, Groundnut, Orchard (Citrus and Guava)
Rice-Wheat, Groundnut-Pea, Bottleguard, Bitterguard, Pumpkin, Bajra